Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Up and Down

Let me welcome you in this Perugia Daily Photo blog with the first characteristic that surprised me most when I arrived in Perugia: the stairs - "le scale" in Italian.
I knew Perugia was located somewhere up on one of those nice Umbrian hills but I surely hadn't realised that once you are up in the old city, you still have lots of steps to do!

Is this woman going up or down then? For those who live in Perugia, they'll recognise the stairs leading to the "acquedotto" from Via Appia.
So, that was basically my very first impression of this charming Etruscan and Medieval city. "Going up to the centre" had soon become my daily activity, a really physical one for my calves actually! Whereas going down
some of those stairs which give you the best panorama ever in Perugia is simply and trully pleasant and enjoyable. Would you be able to find them?


  1. J'inaugure les commentaires de ton blog et je lui souhaite plein de succès! =) C'est une pire bonne idée et je me réjouis de pouvoir suivre tes aventures! Becs Claire

  2. Trop bien! merci pour le texte et les photos! elles sont trop belles!ça mdonne envie de découvrir l'Italie...ignard que je suis!
    bec à bientôt Ad.
